Herpes Outbreak Pictures Is It Possible To Get Your First Herpes Outbreak Six Months After Contact?

Is it possible to get your first herpes outbreak six months after contact? - herpes outbreak pictures

OK, so the ball is, I had unprotected sex with A. .. Delicious girl under six months. Well, life goes on and my girlfriend has forgiven me my indiscretion and has been a joke that I have a STD the other girl (if I cheat on my girlfriend with a woman who suspects they have) the virus. Anyway, it was 6 months and the rash ta da! Small pink spots, which were grouped around my penis, especially around the head with the rest scattered. Basically, it looks too much like the pictures I've seen of herpes, but I'm afraid that all the pictures I saw only very severe cases. Does anybody know if this could be herpes?


ih8mylif... said...

Sounds like a vaginal infection or an allergic reaction to something. Ask your daughter if you have a yeast infection. So, yes, very possible, herpes without knowing it. It might even take years to arise from the first contact.

Chrissy: The Angry Typer a/k/a ... said...

does not sound like ... * Are usually rather cold sores, but it is appalling that you have symptoms 20 years after the first introduction can.

It sucks, but you really get the heart net. But do according to WebMD, bullets do not like herpes. But I'm not a doctor, to protect his girlfriend, very forgiving, and family planning (economic bad) and make sure that, okay?

good luck .. I know it's scary.

Helen B said...

The only way to know in order to check, and soon, but it sounds like it is, herpes painful and more like a pus-filled sore, not a rash ... Maybe a yeast infection or frictional ... by the way in which they appear in, usually within 6 weeks, when the herpes ...

Yes...you could be pregnant! said...

1 If you can take 6 months, 2 of the friend can be achieved in the Uruguay Round and has never been decisive, but ur guys shes never slept with or without the protection of the girl cheated U 3 really does not sound like herpes are likely to be fluid fills the outbreak count blits painful leftover .. Go check them before u worry urself to death.
4 UR GF BEST repesct

roadster... said...

No, not really. I think it was infected by a strain of genital warts. Stop sex and immediately consult a doctor.

Jessica said...

I doubt it, because his girlfriend had an outbreak of. And believe me, I know it's the worst thing ever!

Jessica said...

I doubt it, because his girlfriend had an outbreak of. And believe me, I know it's the worst thing ever!

CC said...

definitely sounds like herpes. Herpes can be used in any way and there may be one or more of the bulbs / zit like sores, boils, bruises, etc., as you ask, some people have a house, a few days after exposure to the virus a few months later, a Some years later, and some people do not even an epidemic, so its certainly have your first outbreak after exposure is the same 6 months. Go now being tested, because it was time for a blood test (or a culture test of wounds) in a position to say what happens. Moreover, it should have your friend get tested if you have had the virus that sex with her, they have to.

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